Remote DBA
unlimited, fixed-fee remote dba managed service.
Here’s the bottom line: Vertical Focus for Remote DBA is 24x7 remote database administration for Oracle, DB2 UDB, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and AWS. Like all Vertical Focus Managed services, Vertical Focus for Remote DBA helps you extract value from your technology investments--above and beyond implementation and day-to-day management of your environment.
With Vertical Focus for Remote DBA, you're able to:
- Access a brain trust of remote DBA expertise
- Reduce system vulnerability, eliminate backlog and optimize IT operations
- Maintain institutional integrity and increase efficiency
- Compete in today's demanding business environment by cutting costs and driving ROI
- Streamline and simplify communication with a single point-of-contact for support questions
- Elastic resourcing, allowing resources to flex to your ever-changing IT demands
Vertical Focus for Remote DBA is a straightforward UNLIMITED, monthly, fixed-fee managed service which includes:
- Oracle, DB2 UDB, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and AWS remote database management
- 24x7 remote administration and support
- Certified, full-time and on-shore and off-shore DBAs
- Best practices leveraged across the remote DBA customer base
- Personalized escalation processes for each remote administration customer
- Monthly DBA activity reporting, case tracking and proactive system assessments
- Troubleshooting expertise
As a leading remote DBA and managed services provider, Vertical Focus has a proven methodology for offering high-end remote database administration, leveraging the most innovative technology and ensuring the greatest security.
To learn more about Vertical Focus for Remote DBA, contact us.
Escalation process
prioritizing mission-critical database issues, involving the client every step of the way.
Vertical Focus for Remote DBA tackles complexities and tailors priorities that are specific to your needs. Below are examples of our response protocols and capabilities.
Priority One:
- Production Database down/unable to function; maximum thresholds unexpectedly exceeded; transactions failing
- Times of Operation: 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
- Response Time: 15 minutes from inquiry; working on issue immediately upon response
Priority Two:
- Non-production Database or component down/unable to function
- Times of Operation: 5 days a week, 8:00am-6:00pm
- Response Time: 12 hours from inquiry; working on issue immediately upon response
Priority Three:
- Request for configuration; scheduled maintenance (patch, performance tuning, etc.) intermittent error that does not adversely affect on-going operation
- Times of Operation: 5 days a week, 8:00am-6:00pm
- Response Time: 24 hour response; will begin working on task at agreed upon schedule with client
Priority Four:
- All other non-critical requests
- Times of Operation: 5 days a week, 8:00am-6:00pm
- Response Time: 5 day response; will begin working on task at agreed upon schedule with client.
The Vertical Focus Ticketing System
Our enhanced Ticketing System improves and expedites communication between you and you’re DBAs.
The systems benefits you by:
- Streamlining communication
- Cutting down on response times
- Allowing for greater reporting capabilities
- Giving direct access to clients
Vertical Focus for Remote DBA is also fully equipped to use a client's own ticketing system, if already in place.
Emergency Support
For emergency situations, Vertical Focus for Remote DBA access the Vertical Focus Off-Hours Emergency Hotline. For off-hours emergencies, this hotline is the lifeline to your DBAs. In a mission-critical crisis, your primary and on-call DBAs can be notified immediately.
To learn more about Vertical Focus for Remote DBA, contact us.